Headline RoundupJuly 18th, 2023

Pentagon Typo Sent Millions of US Military Emails to Mali, a Russian Ally

Summary from the AllSides News Team

Millions of U.S. military emails have been sent to Mali, a Russian ally, due to a Pentagon typo.

Key Details: The emails came from outside accounts, and were not sent from within the military, according to Deputy Pentagon Press Secretary Sabrina Singh. People frequently type .ML, the country identified for Mali, by mistake, instead of the appending the military's .MIL domain.

Key Quote: "This risk is real and could be exploited by adversaries of the U.S.," Dutch internet entrepreneur Johannes Zuurbier said in a letter to U.S. officials, according to the Financial Times (Center bias).

For Context: Zuurbier, who Mali contracted to manage its national email domain, received almost 1,000 emails one day last week, and says there are millions in the system from over the last 10 years. The Pentagon has confirmed the problem.

How the Media Covered It: Sources from left to right noted that the U.S. has accused Russia of using Mali to move weapons to Ukraine, and that Mali is a major employer of the Wagner Group.

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