Headline RoundupMay 19th, 2022

House Passes $28M Spending Bill to Deal With Baby Formula Shortage

Summary from the AllSides News Team

On Wednesday, the House of Representatives passed a $28 million emergency spending bill, with a vote of 231 to 192, to address the baby formula shortage. The bill gives the Food and Drug Administration funds to increase its staff to aid in the inspection of baby formula before delivery to grocery stores. The Infant Formula Supplemental Appropriations Act contains language that seeks to prevent future shortfalls in supplies and prevent “fraudulent products from entering the United States market."

The Biden Administration is addressing the problem by invoking the Defense Production Act to push manufacturers and businesses to prioritize the production and delivery of goods that President Biden deems key to national security. Outlets across the spectrum pointed out that the baby formula shortage has occurred as a major baby formula production plant was closed down and amid broad supply chain disruptions.







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