Headline RoundupMay 14th, 2023

Pakistan in Political Crisis After Arrest of Former PM

Summary from the AllSides News Team

Earlier this week, Former Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan was arrested on corruption charges, vaulting the country into a volatile political crisis.

For Context: Khan, who assumed office in 2018, was ousted in April 2022 in a no-confidence vote due to his loss of key military support. Pakistani elections are due later this year, and if convicted, Khan would be disallowed from running for office, potentially for life. Pro-Khan protestors have reportedly been clashing violently with police and military forces.

An Illegitimate Arrest?: Pakistan’s Supreme Court ruled the arrest illegal and ordered Khan’s immediate release. Khan, who pled not guilty, was released on bail Friday, but told CNN he expects to be arrested again.

Internet Blackouts: In an attempt to quell protests, Pakistani authorities clamped down on social media and internet access, disabling Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter, and blacking out cell phone service in some regions. Breitbart and BBC News (Center bias) said the move instead bolstered the protestors' efforts.

Bleak Economic Outlook: In an analysis, CNN suggested the upheaval will hamper an economy already suffering from stalled growth and soaring inflation. The International Monetary Fund has been in negotiations with Pakistan about a $6.5 billion assistance program that is now complicated by the crisis. According to CNN, investors are skeptical the two will reach an agreement anytime soon.

How The Media Covered It: The ongoing crisis has been widely covered by outlets across the spectrum since Khan’s arrest Tuesday.

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