Headline RoundupAugust 8th, 2024

Trump Holds Press Conference at Mar-a-Lago, Criticizes Harris

Summary from the AllSides News Team

Former President Donald Trump held a press conference at Mar-a-Lago today, aiming to contrast his opponent, Vice President Kamala Harris, who has not formally sat down for a press conference or interview since becoming the Democratic nominee.

The Details: Trump fielded questions about many topics and strongly criticized Harris, both as a policymaker and as, in his view, the undemocratically selected Democratic nominee.

Key Quotes: "I’m no Biden fan...but whether he could win or he couldn’t win, he had the right to run, and they took it away," Trump said. On Harris, he said, "She’s not doing a news conference. You know why? She’s not doing it because she can’t do a news conference. She doesn’t know how to do a news conference. She’s not smart enough to do a news conference. And I’m sorry, we need smart people to lead this country because our country has never been in this danger before, both economically and from an outside perspective.”

How the Media Covered It: Several outlets on the left suggested that the Trump campaign seems to be panicking about Harris's high polling numbers. Outlets on the left referred to the conference as "a rant," "rambling," and "unhinged." In contrast, outlets on the right focused on Trump's comments about Harris's character and the Democratic nominee selection process. 

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