Headline RoundupJune 22nd, 2020

Aunt Jemima and Race in Branding

Summary from the AllSides News Team

Quaker Oats, the parents company of the Aunt Jemima food products brand, announced their intent to re-brand the company to be less in line with racist stereotypes. While Quaker Oats hasn't put forth possible re-branding options, dialogue about brand names rooted in stereotypes have emerged, including other famed products like Uncle Ben's rice and Eskimo Pies. Coverage from right-rated outlets generally framed the steps as unnecessary, highlighting the history and supposed significance of these brand names to every day American life. Many left-rated voices have called for all branding based on racial stereotypes to be re-branded, arguing that they further dangerous stereotypes and racial biases. The fact that the family of Lillian Richard, the original inspiration for the Aunt Jemima logo, opposes the re-branding has been covered widely by right-rated outlets, with left-rated outlets reporting on the family's opposition scarcely.

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