Although used and seen by many (or most) as a word reflecting something positive, there are some who see “virtue” - like chastity or purity or character - as reflective of a narrow-minded, religious conservative ideology for determining what is good or right.
Over history, different philosophical and religious traditions have characterized various qualities or characteristics that collectively represent goodness, respectability "righteousness" and "high moral standards. Generally speaking, then, the word virtue refers to one’s alignment with what is good or right - synonymous with terms like goodness, virtuousness, righteousness, morality, integrity, dignity, rectitude, honor, decency, respectability, nobility, worthiness, purity.
For instance, Ben Franklin popularized 13 Virtues that he emphasized in his own personal development - including frugality, industry, moderation, chastity and humility.
Positive psychology researchers have proposed 24 key virtues organized in six broad categories as having striking degrees of consistency across cultures and historical time periods - including courage, justice, humanity, temperance, transcendence, and wisdom.
The meaning of this word can overlap with other conversations about “strengths” or “assets.”
For religious conservatives, the word virtue is often used in specific reference to chastity or sexual purity. As with other Judeo-Christian norms, some of these standards are seen as limiting and lending to over-judgment by others in secular society.