New Discourses

AllSides Media Bias Rating™: Center
Center What does this mean?

How we determined this rating:

  • Independent Review
  • Community Feedback:   ratings
  • AllSides has low or initial confidence in this bias rating.

Unless otherwise noted, this bias rating refers only to online news coverage, not TV, print, or radio content.

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New Discourses
Bias Rating Center
Type News Media
Region National
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What a Center Bias Rating Means

The source either does not show much media bias, displays a balance of articles with left and right biases, or equally balances left and right perspectives in its reporting.

Center doesn't mean better! A Center media bias rating does not necessarily mean a source is totally unbiased, neutral, perfectly reasonable, or credible, just as Left and Right don't necessarily mean extreme, wrong, unreasonable, or not credible. AllSides encourages people to read outlets across the political spectrum.

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About New Discourses's Bias Rating

New Discourses is a news media source with an AllSides Media Bias Rating™ of Center.

What a "Center" Rating Means

Sources with an AllSides Media Bias Rating of Center either do not show much predictable media bias, display a balance of articles with left and right biases, or equally balance left and right perspectives.

Center doesn't mean better! A Center media bias rating does not necessarily mean a source is totally unbiased, neutral, perfectly reasonable, or credible, just as Left and Right don't necessarily mean extreme, wrong, unreasonable, or not credible. AllSides encourages people to read outlets across the political spectrum.

Learn more about Center ratings


New Discourses has a Center bias. AllSides provided this initial bias rating following a June 2020 independent review by an AllSides editor. The editor found New Discourses does not engage in the common Types of Media bias — the editor noted the absence of spin, sensationalism, flawed logic, bias by omission, and other types of bias. New Discourses may be on the border of Center and Lean Right, as bias is in the eye of the beholder and largely subjective. If you are on the social justice left, you would likely view New Discourses as being on the right; if you are on the right, in the center, or are on the left but reject identity politics/social justice theory, you would likely view it as Center. This is because New Discourses investigates and largely rejects modern social justice ideologies, political correctness, and identity politics, which is typically associated with the American left. However, our editor found New Discourses explores issues related to the U.S. culture war from an objective, balanced, and neutral lens. New Discourses provides an objective and balanced assessment of postmodernism and critical race theory, taking both sides into account. Because some on the American left also reject postmodern critical race theory, and because New Discourses gives adequate space to and explores arguments and concerns on both sides in a balanced and thorough manner, and because New Discourses does not employ common types of media bias, we give New Discourses a Center rating. According to its article tags, topics on New Discourses include critical race theory, antiracism, academia, grievance studies, gender, liberalism, postmodernism, religion, social justice, and wokeness.

About New Discourses

New Discourses describes itself as a place for the "politically homeless," and is committed to producing "high-quality material that can get you up to speed on what’s going on with our present discourses so we can have new ones." New Discourses describes itself on its About page the following way:
We like to think of this place as a home for the politically homeless, especially for those who feel like they’ve been displaced from their political homes because of the movement sometimes called “Critical Social Justice” and the myriad negative effects it has had on our political environments, both on the left and on the right. If that’s you, welcome, and make yourself at home. New Discourses is, by design, meant to be apolitical in the usual sense. That means it is not interested in conservative, progressive, left, right, center, or any other particular political stances. It is, in this regard, only broadly liberal in the philosophical and ethical stance. In that case, whether you’re a progressive left-liberal or a conservative right-liberal, traditional or classical in any case, you’re likely to find what we’re doing refreshing. (And if you don’t, we can talk about it! That’s the point!)
New Discourses was founded by James Lindsay, an American-born author, mathematician, and political commentator.

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Community Feedback

Feedback does not determine ratings, but may trigger deeper review.

As of April 2024, people have voted on the AllSides Media Bias Rating for New Discourses. On average, those who disagree with our rating think this source has a Lean Right bias.

Confidence Level

Confidence is determined by how many reviews have been applied and consistency of data.

As of April 2024, AllSides has low or initial confidence in our Center rating for New Discourses. If we perform more bias reviews and gather consistent data, this confidence level will increase.

Articles from New Discourses

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