Headline RoundupSeptember 18th, 2022

How Will Hispanic and Latino Voters Impact the Midterm Elections?

Summary from the AllSides News Team

With midterm election season underway, pollsters and pundits from across the political spectrum are offering perspectives on a growing electorate demographic that has increasingly garnered the attention of both major U.S. parties – Hispanic and Latino voters. Since the 2020 Presidential election revealed that Hispanic and Latino voters were not an assured source of support for the Democratic Party, many are speculating how these voters will impact the upcoming elections, and which issues will be the deciding factor at the polls.

A piece in the Washington Examiner highlighted the financial efforts made in the last decade by the Republican Party to make inroads with Hispanic voters, and how the economic strain of the past few years could prove to push these voters away from the Democratic Party, citing a low approval rating for President Biden among the community.

The Wall Street Journal released an article profiling a number of individual Latinos, many of whom felt Democratic leaders had failed to live up to promises made to the community regarding immigration reform and economic prosperity. Additionally, the article highlighted a growing sentiment that social issues championed by the left had alienated religious Latino communities, leading some more willing to embrace conservative candidates.

The New York Times published an article refuting many of these claims, citing polling data that revealed an "unavoidable" decrease in Latino support for the Democratic Party, but not the exodus towards the GOP that some have proclaimed.

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