
When reading balanced news on AllSides, you may see a note that our Headline Roundup news summary was AI-assisted. What does that mean?

To be clear, everything AllSides publishes has either been written or closely reviewed and edited by an AllSides team member, also known as a "human being." 

We are using AI tools to tighten our process. Our editors are occasionally using AllSides-developed, artificial intelligence (AI) news tools that enable us to automatically curate and create a first draft summary of top news articles for some stories, which editors then review, edit, and publish.

AllSides is using these technologies to allow us to produce more news faster, while still keeping our balanced, multipartisan team of editors, bias analysts and writers completely present throughout the process. Real human beings across the political spectrum will always ensure our final news product retains the accuracy, balance, and quality you know and expect from AllSides.

We are excited about the potential for AI to assist us in ramping up trustworthy balanced news and media bias ratings, and we have even bigger plans in this space. As we develop more AI tools to assist our balanced news and bias ratings process, we’ll always keep transparency first.