Headline RoundupAugust 22nd, 2022

Texas Schools Start Hanging 'In God We Trust' Signs to Comply with New State Law

Summary from the AllSides News Team

Texas public schools are starting to display posters of the national motto "In God We Trust" in accordance with a new state law.

The legislation, Senate Bill 797, requires schools to hang a "durable poster of framed copy" of the national motto in a "conspicuous place" if they were "donated" or "purchased by private donations." It also requires that each poster have an American flag "centered under the motto" next to a Texas state flag. Several laws passed in recent years have similarly mandated the slogan to be displayed in public schools, government buildings and police vehicles.

Coverage across the spectrum noted how the "controversial" Texas law has drawn backlash from civil rights advocates who believe the bill "imposes religion" on students and raises concerns about the separation of church and state. Some outlets, especially religious-based ones, emphasized that "In God We Trust" has remained the national motto since 1956 and was "reaffirmed" by the House in 2006.

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