Headline RoundupJanuary 18th, 2023

What to Make of the San Francisco $5M Reparations Proposal

Summary from the AllSides News Team

The San Francisco African American Reparations Advisory Committee released a proposal recommending the city pay $5 million to qualifying black residents as reparations for “segregation, white supremacy and systematic repression and exclusion of Black people.” The proposal has sparked conversation and debate on how best to address the contemporary ramifications of America's past.

In Favor: The proposal is receiving general support from the left. A writer in the San Francisco Chronicle called the proposal “bold” and determined that the city’s next steps will determine if they “are serious about confronting the city’s checkered past, or are simply pretending to be.” A writer in HuffPost (Left Bias) endorsed the plan for its advancement of the discussion of reparations in America, calling the proposal “innovative because it uses historical and socioeconomic evidence to identify what, exactly, it will take to help the average Black San Franciscan to close the racial wealth gap.”

In Opposition: Most writers on the right have voiced opposition to the proposal, most commonly questioning the methodology used to determine which residents qualify for reparation payments, as well as the price tag for the city. Ben Shapiro (Right Bias) questioned the distinction between “harms from deliberate policies” deserving of reparations and “vague societal ills” that he doubts can be “cured with social engineering.” The National Review Editorial Board called the plan “insane,” stating the proposal is “deliberately conflating the unique historical injustice of slavery with other forms of legal discrimination.”

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