Headline RoundupNovember 23rd, 2020

Perspectives: Students, Safety and Closing Schools This Fall

Summary from the AllSides News Team

As COVID-19 coronavirus cases rise in many parts of the United States, local leaders are mulling over whether to close schools and how to keep students safe while continuing the school year. Many voices on all sides agree that students learn best when physically in a classroom. Right-rated voices argue that school closures are unnecessary, and concentrate on data suggesting that COVID-19 risks for school-age children are generally lower overall than for other age groups. Some left-rated voices, while acknowledging similar facts, argue that the federal government has not yet given sufficient guidance for schools to reopen safely. Another focus of coverage on all sides was Dr. Anthony Fauci's statement Monday that "if you have a choice between closing the schools and closing the bars, close the bars."

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