Headline RoundupDecember 1st, 2020

China-run Newspaper Paid US Media Outlets Millions for Advertising, Printing Costs

Summary from the AllSides News Team

China Daily, an English-language newspaper run by the Chinese government, reportedly paid almost $2 million to various U.S. news companies for printing and advertising expenses between May and October of 2020. First reported by the Daily Caller last week, the expenses came to light after China Daily filed a Foreign Agents Registration Act disclosure last month. The organization paid tens of thousands, sometimes more, to outlets including The Boston Globe, The Wall Street Journal, The Houston Chronicle and the Los Angeles Times. According to the report, the payments usually covered printing expenses or funded advertisements for China Daily in the U.S. newspapers. The news was only covered by right-rated outlets and one center-rated outlet; most of these reports focused on the notion that China Daily is paying U.S. news companies to publish blatant pro-China propaganda. As of Tuesday night, no left-rated outlets have reported on the China Daily's payments to domestic media organizations.

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