What is Similarity Hub?

Politicians, the media, and social media users face incentives to paint a divided picture of America, making us forget how united we really are.

Similarity Hub from AllSides and More Like US helps solve this problem by collecting public opinion data that corrects political misperceptions, highlights common ground, and helps people feel calmer and more united.

Explore the Full Dataset

Here, you can browse recent survey data on common ground among U.S. adults. Learn more about our data inclusion criteria below.

Survey Statement % Agree % R % D % I Source Topic Year
"strongly or somewhat favor making early, in-person voting available to voters for at least two weeks prior to Election Day." All: 78% Elections 2021
"think there is at least a little discrimination against people who are gay, lesbian, and bisexual in the U.S." All: 77% R: 67% D: 87% I: 74% LGBTQ Issues 2024
"think misinformation increases hate crimes." All: 77% R: 72% D: 85% I: 66% Facts and Fact Checking 2022
"say the economic system in this country unfairly favors powerful interests rather than being generally fair for most Americans." All: 77% R: 68% D: 85% Economy and Jobs 2023
"favor enacting a 30-day waiting period for all gun sales." All: 77% Gun Control and Gun Rights 2022
"think that during political elections, churches and other houses of worship should not come out in favor of one candidate over another." All: 77% Religion and Faith 2022
"at least somewhat agree that it's important that every American student learn more about the civil rights movement of the 1950s and 1960s beyond the stories of Martin Luther King and Rosa Parks." All: 77% R: 69% D: 90% I: 74% Race and Racism 2022
"think it is very or somewhat important for people in our country to confront other people when they say or do something racist." All: 77% Race and Racism 2020
"support the IRS creating a simplified free tax filing tool directly on its website." All: 76% R: 64% D: 88% I: 69% Taxes 2023
"are of the opinion that voting in elections is important to being a good American." All: 76% R: 78% D: 80% I: 74% Elections 2020
"think that to ensure equality for all people, regardless of race or ethnicity, the political system requires major changes or to be completely rebuilt." All: 76% Race and Racism 2023
"agree at least somewhat that the federal government should place limits on how much hospitals can charge people." All: 76% R: 59% D: 91% I: 71% Healthcare 2022
“are in favor of requiring criminal and mental background checks for all those buying guns, including at gun shows and private sales.” All: 76% R: 71% D: 86% I: 69% Gun Control and Gun Rights 2023
"agree strongly or somewhat that education beyond high school offers a good return on investment for the student." All: 76% R: 69% D: 85% Education 2022
"say a democratically elected government is very or extremely important to the United States' identity as a nation." All: 76% R: 73% D: 89% Politics 2024
"at least somewhat support the proposal for the government to only buy firearms from manufacturers that follow a code of conduct." All: 76% R: 68% D: 87% I: 73% Gun Control and Gun Rights 2024
"are of the opinion that news organizations are motivated by financial interests over serving the public interest." All: 76% R: 81% D: 69% I: 82% Media Bias 2022
"think mass shootings are something we can prevent and stop if we really tried." All: 76% R: 67% D: 84% I: 78% Gun Control and Gun Rights 2023
"say journalists should always strive to give every side equal coverage." All: 76% R: 87% D: 68% Media Bias 2022
"believe in cash bail for all violent offenders rather than cashless bail for most offenders." All: 75% R: 79% D: 71% I: 75% Criminal Justice 2023

Percent of Republicans agreeing with statement.**

Percent of Democrats agreeing with statement.**



*Data older than 5 years may not accurately reflect current public opinion. Similarity Hub will not feature this data on other pages.

**%R indicates the percentage of Republicans or Republicans and Republican-leaners agreeing with the statement. %D indicates the percentage of Democrats or Democrats and Democrat-leaners agreeing with the statement.

What Similarity Hub Does and Doesn’t Include

Similarity Hub prioritizes and highlights data about common ground; not all data fits that purpose. Thus, AllSides and More Like US created criteria on what we will and won’t include. 

Similarity Hub includes…

  • Information that corrects damaging political misperceptions and/or is useful for bipartisan policy
  • Survey data in which at least 70% of respondents agree, or in which at least 50% of Democratic-leaning respondents and 50% of Republican-leaning respondents agree

Similarity Hub does NOT include…

  • Survey questions that make a value judgment about a specific identity group of people (This could include negative judgments, like “China has a negative impact on the world,” or positive judgments, like “Mexicans are hard workers.”)
  • Survey questions based on loaded questions and/or unfounded assumptions (For instance, people who "disagree that individual action makes no difference in reducing climate change" could include those who support collective climate action and those who disbelieve in climate change.)
  • Data from surveys likely biased by recent events (Such as data about the Israel-Hamas War collected during a turning point in the war, which may vary significantly from other surveys.)