Here’s what persuades Americans to support democracy over party

Posted on AllSides September 21st, 2022
From The Left
Sisters Lori Ediger, on left, of Aurora, Neb., and Diana Johnson of Henderson, Neb., listen to presentations during the Nebraska Election Integrity Forum on Aug. 27 in Omaha. (Rebecca S. Gratz/AP)

Our new study tested 25 different approaches with both Republicans and Democrats. Here are three that made a difference.

American democracy is facing arguably its greatest stress test since the Civil War. Less than two years after an attack on the peaceful transfer of power, many prominent figures are undermining U.S. democratic ideals. More than 120 Republican nominees in the midterm elections deny that Joe Biden won the 2020 presidential election, including prominent Senate candidates like Herschel Walker in Georgia and Mehmet Oz in Pennsylvania, although not a single credible audit or court hearing has found...

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