Daily Tarheel

AllSides Media Bias Rating™: Not Rated
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Daily Tarheel
Bias Rating Not Rated
Type News Media
Region National
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About Daily Tarheel's Bias Rating

Daily Tarheel is a news media source with an AllSides Media Bias Rating™ of Not Rated.

What a "Not Rated" Rating Means

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The Daily Tar Heel is the student newspaper at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. The non-profit organization, which incorporated in 1989 as a separate legal entity from UNC, stopped taking student fees in 1993 and has since been fully funded by its advertising revenue, thus making it both fiscally and editorially independent. The student journalists are solely responsible for all content under the direction of the student editor-in-chief. The 2014-15 editor-in-chief is Jenny Surane. The paper's business operations are governed by a 12-member, student majority board of directors whose open slots are filled by the board each spring for the next year. The paper circulates 16,000 free copies each publishing day during the regular academic year to 215 distribution locations throughout campus, Chapel Hill, Carrboro, Chatham and Durham, making it the largest community newspaper in the area with an estimated daily readership of 38,000. It publishes weekly on Thursdays during the summer sessions. The editor-in-chief oversees the newsroom operations and is ultimately responsible for all news and opinion content. The editor serves as the public face of the paper. The editor also hires the rest of the newsroom staff, which includes the managing editor, online editor, the opinion editor, and editors for each of the newsroom’s 14 section desks. The editor is selected each April by an independent 11-member selection board generated by the board of directors for just that purpose. The student advertising manager and a staff of about 25 are responsible for all advertising sales under the direction of the non-student advertising director. Six full-time professionals are employed in various support functions. At the height of the school year, there are some 80 paid part-time student employees in news, advertising, customer service and production functions and another 150 or more student volunteers.

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Community Feedback

Feedback does not determine ratings, but may trigger deeper review.

As of April 2024, people have voted on the AllSides Media Bias Rating for Daily Tarheel.

Confidence Level

Confidence is determined by how many reviews have been applied and consistency of data.

As of April 2024, AllSides has low or initial confidence in our Not rated rating for Daily Tarheel. If we perform more bias reviews and gather consistent data, this confidence level will increase.

Articles from Daily Tarheel

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